Data protection policy

Operational since: 2024-06-03
Scheduled for review: 2025-03-31

Corporation: 46elks AB, registered in Sweden with company no 556838-8184.


46elks is a registered telecommunications operator under EU directive 2002/58/EG, implemented by the Swedish law 2022:482, also called LEK. We provide many services for automated communications for which we need to collect and process certain information about individuals. This data is collected and processed according to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Services.

This Data Protection Policy further specifies how 46elks should collect and process data to meet our data protection standards and comply with the law.

This policy exists to ensure that 46elks:

Data Protection Law

The following rules apply regardless of whether data is stored electronically or using other methods. EU regulation stipulates that personal information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed unlawfully.

This policy follows these eight important data processing principles:

  1. Processed fairly and lawfully
  2. Obtained only for specific, lawful purposes
  3. Is adequate, relevant and not excessive
  4. Kept accurate and up to date
  5. Held for only as long as needed
  6. Processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects
  7. Protected in appropriate ways
  8. Kept inside the European Union unless specifically requested


This policy applies to all of 46elks' activities. Including work done by contractors and other people working on our behalf.

It applies to all data that the company holds related to identifiable individuals.

This can include names of individuals, postal & email adresses, telephone numbers and IP-adresses plus any other information relating to individuals.


This policy is constructed to protect 46elks from:


Everyone working for 46elks is responsible for ensuring personal data is collected and processed according to this policy. However, certain people have key areas of responsibility.

The CEO is responsible for:

Johannes is responsible for:

General staff guidelines:

Data Storage

The following rules describe how and where personal data should be stored.

Personal data should be stored electronically, be protected from unauthorised access, accidental deletion and malicious hacking attempts:

Data Use

Personal data is of no value to 46elks unless we can access and process it. However, this is when personal data is at the greatest risk:

Data that can be used to identify an individual should not be sent over email, unless prior explicit or implicit consent has been received. An implicit consent can be in the form of receiving an error report from a customer, and thus replies to that error report with details about the specific case are allowed.

Data Accuracy

We are required by law to ensure the personal data in our systems is kept accurate and up to date. The effort put into ensuring it's accuracy should be related to the importance of the personal data. It is the responsibility of all staff who work with personal data to take reasonable steps to ensure it is kept accurate and up to date.

Subject Access Requests

All individuals who are the subject of personal data held by 46elks may:

This kind of request is called a subject access request and:

The above is governed by Post- och Tele-Styrelsen and Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten.

Disclosing Data For Other Reasons

Any requests by law enforcement agencies to disclose information should be approved by the CEO, to ensure legitimacy, before being fulfilled.

Providing Information

We aim to be open about how we process personal data. And to help anyone understand how data is being used and how your rights can be exercised.

Hence, we have created a Privacy Policy:

Contact Information

46elks Support
+46 76 6861004

CEO, Johannes Ridderstedt
+46 70 4508449